Thursday, November 21, 2013

Daily Outfit: Frocktober Week 3, 2013

Almost on the home stretch!

I think it's good discipline, setting yourself clothing challenges every once in a while. Testing different colours, wearing vintage jewellery, applying lipstick every day, or in this case: wearing dresses every day for a whole month.

Let's do this.

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Work meetings call for a slightly more subdued look than is usual.

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The principal appreciated my snappy dressing.

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Even with saucy vintage tights.

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Dressed up for FUN at the Michael Jackson/Cirque du Soleil spectacular

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Proof of wearing a dress (and some pretty amazing shoes, which unfortunately are near death)

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And a sparkly bowler hat to top it all off.

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Riding my bike in a dress on a sunny day.

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Ridiculous red heels make me ride faster.

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Love this retro plastic beaded purse.

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Dressed for warmth as the op shop I volunteer at is a breezy old church hall.

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The ladies loved the mix.

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I think I should wear flowers in my hair more often, à la Ms Ruby Chew!

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Preparing myself for a warm day of op-shopping.

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I do love a good scarf around the neck.

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Should that be oops-shopping?! Hauled big this week.

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Walked into the city with my mother to enjoy some talks in the Botanic Gardens. Roses!

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Drove down to Victor Harbor on the Sunday to help our friends pack up from a fabulous wedding in a teepee!

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Can you believe this was in their backyard?

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I loved all the fresh flowers everywhere.

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Had such a fantastic Sunday with these lovely ladies (all embracing the spirit of Frocktober too, it seems!)

What a delightful week! Only one remains...


  1. Love the jacket you wore to the Jackson thingy, and the outfit for volunteering..........I am far too self interested to volunteer in an oppy!!! X
