Thursday, November 14, 2013

Daily Outfit: Frocktober Week 1, 2013

Oh, you have been patient ones, waiting for the Frocktober Frocks to be busted out (we're only a week month behind, so what?)

Week one = fun!

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Stormy day at the library

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Doesn't stop me from wearing sunglasses though
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Brooch handmade by the wonderful Ruby Chew
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Day two of Frocktober saw me volunteering at my local opshop. I'd never met this woman before but I thought she could be my mother!
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LOVED her style!
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Had to drop the car in for a service and do some shopping in the city.
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Not a real dead animal around my neck.

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Stocking and shoe combination!
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It warmed up after my job interview so I removed my black stockings.
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Is my cat around anywhere? (Points if you can spot her)
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Much better without black blazer.
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Dressed up for a celebration dinner and busted out these amazing cat tights I got for my birthday.
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Waiting for the bus.
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Saturday was cold and spent inside with a sore throat. Boo!
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No regrets over buying this pretty dress in France.
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Feeling a bit better on Sunday, but not well enough to wear shoes.
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Hurrah! We made it through the first week of Frocktober!


  1. LOVE those stripey heels! And you have the cat tights! So jealous.

    1. Yes! The cat tights were a birthday present from the Viking (after I saw you!) xx
