Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wednesday Wrap-up

I cannot believe that Wednesday has crept around once again. Sneaky devil.

I'm tired! How are you?

Photo heavy and word light today. Veuillez m'excuser (NO EXCUSES NOVEMBER!!!)

There's this new statue in the town square and you'd better believe the Frenchies are complaining about it.

Exhibition opening at the Contemporary Art Museum with my ladies.

British pub meal.

Ridiculous cake for a girlfriend's birthday. So delicious!

Fairytales and wine at a fairytale bar.

My darling friend brought over pear tart for Sunday lunch. Yum!

Sunday evening stroll along the riverfront.

I closed my finger in the washing machine door at the laundromat and bled all over the floor. Oops indeed.

After ragging on the French for their lack of vegetables I made myself this über salad the other night. So good.

Moi aussi! Walking home from my theatre group.

Such delicious November weather.

Christmas markets are setting up and I'm loving the lights in every street.

Lots of food (and drink) of course this week! Would you expect anything else?

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