Are we too far into November to look back on the month that was?
Reading... at a slower rate than usual. Curse end of uni stress! I read some classics:
Breakfast at Tiffany's and
Miss Pettigrew lives for a day and some nouveaux classics, haha:
The Amber Spyglass (His Dark Materials Trilogy) and
Gossip Girl..... Also reading feedback on assignments and prac teaching. Golden!
Listening... to CDs from my youth as my Dad lost his iTunes. Beats at
Parklife. People making too much noise talking in lectures!
Watching... movie adaptations of stories, the ever-changing sky, the calendar days float away, Season 16 of the Amazing Race (generally dull, but they did go to France).
Buying... the occasional red wine.
Wanting... the job that I'm interviewing for on Friday, warmer weather (comme d'hab!), assignment stress to be over for both myself and the manfriend, something new in my wardrobe.
Cooking... more like reheating! I found a delicious risotto in the freezer that we cooked a month or two ago. I plan to make pizza again from scratch now that we've purchased some
yeast. I've not been eating out much but I don't think I've been cooking much either.... cheese and biscuits (and wine,
bien sur)
Making... mega plans for this summer!
Loving... all the roses that are in bloom at the moment - have you seen them? Blue cheese. Sunny days with my cat outside. Riding my bike (even through the gloom). Chocolate freckles. Getting good marks. My four-coloured pen. Wearing fun stockings. Getting on top of my blogreader. Holiday planning.
Oh October, I had
high hopes that you'd bring me a bit of sunshine and warmth. WHERE IS THE LOVE?
Hope you've all had marvellous months!