Friday, May 31, 2013

Travel Times

It's getting hard for even me to keep track of where I am. I've shipped off my computer to yet another friend, so will be blogging off the iPad for the next little while.

Post Japan, there was a week and a half in France. Now I've come to the tail-end of five days in Copenhagen, and here begins three weeks of solo travel before meeting up with my parents in Scotland. My itinerary was planned via low cost roulette, where basically I booked my flights according to what Drungli suggested.

I have a couple of posts swirling around my brain, things that I've been thinking about while adventuring across France and beyond

  • Dealing with doubt (when family/friends/colleagues don't understand or support your projects)
  • Travelling on the cheap (I know many posts have been written by others on this subject but it's a question I am constantly asked)
  • Staying healthy while travelling (exercise, nutrition, sleep etc)
  • Settling down in a new place (including how to make friends and reach out to new networks)
  • Solo voyages

Do let me know if any of the above topics interest you, and I'll try to make them happen..

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Daily Outfit: Plane to see

Not long ago, I finished working in France and popped over to Japan (but then headed back to France. Confusing, right?)

Here's another dress I wore to bookclub, but also pretty much what I wore on the long flights across Europe and Asia.

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Speaking of coiffure, my how my hair has grown since then! Wasn't quite brave enough for a Tokyo haircut....

Friday, May 24, 2013

I like....

I like...
  • Metro lines that go above ground (line 6 in Paris crosses the Seine!)

  • Bananas! (I think I might need to do a post about how to keep your fruit&veg up whilst travelling)

  • Bike-sharing (always and forever! Borrowed one in Montpellier on Monday and rode 20km to the beach, then got lost in some country lanes on the way back and found myself at an 18th century chateau, where I had a private tour. Yes!)

  • Speaking a second language and not even thinking about it (sometimes I'm having a conversation in France with another non-native speaker and it just blows my mind how our brains can do this)

  • Sweet potato and bean burritos (so easy and delicious; I suspect I'll be making it often for my hosts as I couch-surf across Europe this summer)

  • Wifi (I think we can all agree on this one)

Daily Outfit: Bordeaux Blogger

As I find myself back in Bordeaux for a few short days before heading off on (months of) travel (eek!) I thought I'd share a look that I wore in the dying days (read, the end of my teaching contract and saying goodbye to friends.)

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As you can see, it hasn't been a very warm spring over here (super sad face) so I'm looking forward to getting some summer sun.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Daily Outfit: Rome around the World

You're all here for bad puns, right? Thought so.

Anyways. Before Japan and Iceland (v2) but after Avignon (it's confusing to me too) I popped over to Rome for a weekend. When in Rome, right? (groan. I'm sorry. I'll stop. If I can.)

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Happy to be in the sunshine at the Colosseum

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Curved walls climbing the dome at St Peter's Basilica.

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The Vatican! (weekend after Easter)

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One happy catty.

So the question is, where to next?

Daily Outfit: Blossom

Unfortunately (fortunately?) no Blossom hat, just a spring outfit from Avignon (weeks old, if you were planning on stalking me).

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tatami Time

Spotted this Chanel SS13 editorial back before my trip but it feels more relevant than ever, with the constant shoes on, shoes off.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cherry Blossom Girl

Live from Tokyo!

Not too jet-lagged but looking forward to my first night's sleep after buying a space-age umbrella, eating noodles at the train station and now taste testing various Japanese brews while wearing my own kimono. A happy Sequin Cat.