Sunday, February 5, 2012

Daily Outfit: My week at work

Rather than individual posts, I thought I'd summarise last week's teaching attire by putting all photos into the one post. Week one down, only nine to go....

That big grin is because students hadn't gone back yet... 

Still grinning. Hmm. Seriously attired. 

Yep, smile definitely fading...

...and, gone.

I survived the first week! This little badge has a cat's face on it and says "meow meow meow".

Bit of a monochrome vibe to start off the school year! I want people to take me seriously... at least in the first week. I'm sure regular (colourful!) programming will resume soon.

Is anybody else feeling a bit of a clothing rut right now? Maybe it's time to host another clothes swap. Ladies?!


  1. That cherry necklace is brilliant - I have the banana version!

  2. Poor old lost smile! Your shoes though, my are they smiling! All of them are lovely!
